360MV conceptualized and launched the groundbreaking series “World of Adventure” with NBC Sports Ventures in 2004. Covering adventure events, expeditions, athletes and destinations from around the globe, the show earned multiple Emmy nominations and awards. 360MV produced over 100 television episodes and weekly features delivered across digital platforms and emerging OTT channels over a 16 year period. Major sponsors included Jeep, Red Bull, GoPro, The North Face and Subaru, and media partners included NBC, NBC Sports Network, Universal Sports, and Outside TV. World of Adventure was sold to Powdr Corp in 2014, and the full acquisition was completed by 2020.
Recognizing a passionate underserved fan base for off-road racing, and a transcendent sports property in the Baja 1000, 360MV forged a partnership with legendary SCORE racing promoter Sal Fish to create a multi-media platform “Baja Unlimited”, which included a national television special on NBC, cable programming, an e-commerce business, and a media licensing program. After an 8-year run with the promoter and brand partners including BFGoodrich, NBC, Discovery and Outdoor Channel, 360MV exited the business and sold the Baja Unlimited media library to the new owner of SCORE when it changed hands.
Following a long history of production and marketing with the sport of obstacle and adventure racing, including our prestigious event client, the RAID World Championships Presented by Salomon (formerly named the RAID Gauloises based in France), 360MV identified a niche with obstacle and urban adventure races created for major brands. After launching and managing the Men’s Health Urbanathlon (New York, Chicago, San Francisco) and the Verizon Urban Challenge (Seattle, Portland), 360MV launched its own race series, the RAID Series. The RAID Series attracted private equity investment and was instrumental in the creation and spin-off sale of a related event photo sharing business.